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Guides Gone Wild Podcast
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Go Small, Don’t Stay Home
Meg Pierce, Inclusive Ski Touring
I really enjoy starting something when you’re kind of at the sucking stage, but you can see yourself progressing very quickly…. I’m very addicted to that sharp part of the learning curve.
Learn from a Local
The dollars that you pay at a local outfitter are directly going back to their family, their home, their schools, local shops… and that’s really important.
Max Your Inspiration, Not Your Impact
Meg Carney, Outdoor Minimalist
The less things that I own, the less things I really have to worry about, and the more I can focus on the things that I actually really love and enjoy, which are community and time spent outside.
Put Your Community First
Kristina Cannon, Main Street Skowhegan
You have to create communities for your people that live there, first. It’s not just about tourism for us. It can’t be. It has to be about building a better community.
Hardtails of Doom and Generations of Awesome
Voices of Rooted MTB Festival
I haven’t met a single person that regrets going. Just people that regret not going.
Do the Thing, and Go Overthink Something Else
Rooted MTB Festival Weekend Recap with Trish & Jen
These events really make you realize, like, what the hell is my problem, I’m just as capable as everyone else here.
Live a 'No Drop' Life
Cail Casserly, Brewer, Rider and Poet
If we’re out there enjoying a thing, I try to be conscious of, who am I not seeing? If this was hard for me, who’s it harder for? And I hope that that thought continues to foster other things, in terms of my activism, my work and my passions.
Lean Into Your Life (AND the Downhill)
Chrystsonthy Drellos, Blue Sky MTB
If I had $1 for every time I wanted to throw my bike into the woods and stomp off, I’d be a millionaire.
Go All In (and Bring Your 'Sisters' Along)
Heather Kinal, Ride Cosmic Dirt & Rooted MTB Festival
The way I operate is when I’m excited about something, I’m very passionate, and I go all in and try to bring as many people with me as possible.
Biking Through Loss and Building a Legacy
Sandy Noble
My main sport, for 31 years now, it’s been mountain biking. Even after after my husband’s death, within a few days, I was in the woods….anybody that’s been through anything, you know, exercise is just a great way to relieve a lot of stress and sadness.
Plan Some Post-Pandemic Play
Jen Hazard, Author of The Maine Play Book
I came to recognize it as I was older…. just going to a new space, and exploring like that, that really always just inspires me, no matter what.
Keep Things in (Outside) Perspective
Lauren Humphrey of Outside Perspectives
Our goal is mainly to get more kids outside. And more often.