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Guides Gone Wild Podcast
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Just Start Showing Up
Paula Burton, NEMBA Trail School
Trails don't build themselves... Building trails properly, and getting the community involved, actually helps preserve what we have.
Everything's Better on Bikes
Nicole Freedman, NEMBA & former Olympian
I’d look through the 'Want Ad' and the only things I felt like I was qualified to do said "costume provided"
Getting Dirty for a Decade
Heidi Myers, Rasputitsa
It’s always great to see returning faces that are there to support you. And we support them in return.
Wrestling Your 'Dream Life' Demons
Tarin O’Donnell, Tarin It Up Podcast and TKO Yoga & Fitness
It’s networking. Everything in life is networking. You meet people, and you’re just exposed to things you weren’t exposed to before. You find these opportunities you didn’t even know existed.
If You Build It, They Will Bike (and Walk, and Ski...)
Marianne Borowski, Cross New Hampshire Adventure Trail
I tried to put together the things that I found useful. I like the map, I like to know that there’s a town coming up.. and that there’s ice cream in that town!
There’s No Such Thing As Too Little Movement
Val Hopkins, 365 Mile Challenge
I have some banned words… I don’t let people say ‘just’, or ‘only’.
Break Toxic Patterns and Rediscover Your Strength
Kat Ripley, Juniper Moss Guide Services
I don’t even think I fully had realized at the time that that’s what I was doing, was trying to run away… there was just a draw to go somewhere else and do something grand.
Pause, Pivot, but Keep Pedaling Forward
Lindsay Currier, Bikepack Maine
Don’t give up - just have reasonable expectations. I don’t have expectations really for anything anymore in my life, and that’s just made my life a lot better.
From Midlife Malaise to Machu Picchu (!!)
Bethany Cass
It doesn’t take much to be happy - you just have to know what it is that you want.
Talk to Cool People (Then Say Yes!)
Alicia Heyburn, Teens to Trails
Enough excuses! If it sounds a little scary, a little hard, and a little fun, make it a ‘HELL YES’!
Choose What Works Best for YOU (for Two!)
Michelle Boyer, Arctic Lynx Maternity Activewear
If activity is part of your life pre-pregnancy, I think that it’s such a gift to stay active during pregnancy and beyond.
Calendula, Chamois Cream, and Cancer Candor
Susan Shasok, Caroline’s Dream
The choices that you have to make…. none of them are good. None of them are good. And yet, you still have to make those choices.