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Guides Gone Wild Podcast
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Fuel Your Fun
Hillary Pride, Eats with Pride
I usually try to do some greens [in my smoothie] because I go through phases with salads… I’m not like, ‘I can’t wait to go home and eat kale’ in January. I don’t usually feel that way.
(Re)Treat Yourself to a Bigger Life
Carrie Hoffman, Bigger Life Adventures & Grand Canyon Eco-Retreat
Someone said to me once, ‘your life can be bigger than your biggest dreams for it’, and I never forgot that. And that’s actually where I got the name for my company, Bigger Life Adventures, because it’s true.
Take a Leap of Faith and Put it Out There
Hayley Diep, Author of If You Give a Girl a Bike
I was having the time of my life… and I thought to myself, if you give a girl a bike, she will ride and ride and ride. And that was the line that stuck in my head.