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Guides Gone Wild Podcast
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If You Build It, They Will Bike (and Walk, and Ski...)
Marianne Borowski, Cross New Hampshire Adventure Trail
I tried to put together the things that I found useful. I like the map, I like to know that there’s a town coming up.. and that there’s ice cream in that town!
There’s No Such Thing As Too Little Movement
Val Hopkins, 365 Mile Challenge
I have some banned words… I don’t let people say ‘just’, or ‘only’.
Less Existential Crisis, More Climate Crisis
Torey Lee Brooks
Don’t get the impression I’m a good nordic skier, I’m just good at long, arduous stubbornness!
Get in the (Long) Game
Anne Parmenter, Coach, Climbing Guide and Everest Mountaineer
Saying ‘yes’ to things that I know are going to make me really uncomfortable… I think it keeps you ticking.
(Land) Trust Yourself
Abby Bennett, Ultra Runner, Researcher, Van Lifer, Land Steward
There are so many great local properties … I feel like I tend to find the hardest hike and go for the most elevation gain. And then I’m like, ‘you could just spend more time in your local community.’ There's so much beauty here.
Share Your Passions, Hold Your Breath, and Watch Them Go
Charlotte & Georgia Clews
So when I had kids, I totally had this vision of taking them out in the stroller on the Pacific Crest Trail, you know, the rugged stroller. That’s not realistic, by the way.
Fuel Your Fun
Hillary Pride, Eats with Pride
I usually try to do some greens [in my smoothie] because I go through phases with salads… I’m not like, ‘I can’t wait to go home and eat kale’ in January. I don’t usually feel that way.
Give the People What They Want
Kelley Cullenberg & Sarah Doscinski, Spandits
One of the really key things to staying in the business has been adaptability, you know, just rolling with the times and what people are looking for.
Listen to Your Body
Acadia Gantz, the ‘TrailRunningBabyCatcher’
There is such a need for information about running and pregnancy… really good, solid, not-scare-tactic information about running in pregnancy, about getting back to running post-partum, about what it’s like to be trying to raise a child and be a runner.
Embrace Your Gray Areas
Emily Holland, Nature Untold Podcast
What other thing gives us that much sickness, and we don’t remove it from our lives?
Start With What You Have
I’m hoping that hearing other people’s stories will motivate people that haven’t started on their journey yet.
Start Today
Amy Margolis
Probably still one of the most memorable races I’ve ever had was that first 5K.