Keep Things in (Outside) Perspective

Lauren Humphrey of Outside Perspectives


Lauren Humphrey is the Community Outreach and Development Director for an nonprofit called Outside Perspectives, which partners with youth development organizations in Connecticut to create immersive wilderness experiences for kids.

As we talk about in this episode, Lauren first came onto my radar when she was the Northeast Regional Coordinator for an organization called Adventure Mamas. So given all this, you probably won’t be surprised to hear that we talk about getting your kids, my kids, ANY kids into nature.

Oh, and did I mention that Lauren was also a special ed teacher in a past professional life? She drops some amazingly tactical advice for those of us who’ve got some littles (or not so littles) we’re trying to convince to be our outside sidekicks.

But what surprised me was the added benefit/inspiration that Lauren’s story brought me that I wasn’t even counting on. Basically, here’s a woman who moved cross country twice, picking up new activities and interests along the way…. Except when she’d get settled in her new home, she’d have to start all over again finding people who shared her passion to get out and climb or bike or snowboard with.

It’s all about the community, people, can you relate?

I hope you’ll head on over to, check out all the great work this program is doing in Connecticut, and maybe do your part to make Lauren’s new development gig a tiny bit easier??

You can also check out Outside Perspectives in the wild, literally, over on Instagram or Facebook - Lauren’s already doing a killer job of sharing beautiful images and inspiration from this year’s trips, and I’m looking forward to seeing what’s in store for the upcoming winter season!

Places and things worth checking out (or at least Lauren and I think so!):


Get Lost to Find Yourself


Seek (and Find!) Sanctuary Where You Least Expect It