Get Lost to Find Yourself

Briana Sullivan Treks El Camino (and shares floating Teeny House Intel!)


I'm bringing you a fun little (or should I say teeny) diversion with encore guest Briana Sullivan.

Briana first joined me last December, when I interviewed her and her daughter Cambyr about their AT trek, completed during the craziness of early COVID pandemic. (If you haven’t caught that one yet, make sure to go back later, I’ve got it conveniently linked up for you here.)

I’ve been wanting to bring Briana back because: 

A) she and Cambyr were good to their word and did a Camino de Santiago trek this summer that I have been FOMO-ing for months; and

B) I wanted to have an excuse to visit her floating tiny home, now that we’re all vaxxed up and before the weather got too cold to risk a Merrimack River paddle in my janky old Loon.

I’m still not sure it was the smartest move to be paddling out to visit her in the dark, which I wound up having to do, and I’m still going to have to go back during the day to appreciate the tiny completely, since Briana was having issues with her solar battery and only one party light that rotated between fuschia, blue and green was working while we chatted…. But since I talk a big game about everyone else getting wild, when the opportunity presented itself, I went for it!

Our view from the Teeny’s roof deck. Hopefully my podcasting skills are better than my photography skills.

Our view from the Teeny’s roof deck. Hopefully my podcasting skills are better than my photography skills.

As you might remember from the first episode we did, Briana is a whirlwind of energy on her down days, so you won’t be surprised by the enthusiasm she brought to a conversation about some of her recent favorite things. Enjoy!

Crappy picture of Briana heading down from our roof deck adventure on her floating teeny home. I was too afraid of falling into the water to futz with my phone for a better pic and was holding on to the ladder like my life depended on it, sorry!

Crappy picture of Briana heading down from our roof deck adventure on her floating teeny home. I was too afraid of falling into the water to futz with my phone for a better pic and was holding on to the ladder like my life depended on it, sorry!

Complete list of links from our convo:


(Re)Treat Yourself to a Bigger Life


Keep Things in (Outside) Perspective