Dig a Hole and Ping Your Mom

Mikayla Clarke, AT and PCT Thru-Hiker


Most Americans are lucky if they hit 4,000 steps most days. And then there’s Mikayla Clarke, who took on over 4,500 miles - successfully thru-hiking both the Appalachian Trail and Pacific Crest Trail.

Mikayla is my first guest on a new segment I’m calling ‘Real Womxn on Real Adventures’, which I’m hoping to experiment with more in some of the episodes going forward.

As I’ve been getting more into this, I’ve realized that when I, personally, am thinking about trying new things, before I seek out an official guide to help me, I’m inclined to start asking around to see if anyone I know has done the adventure I’m considering, or knows anyone else who has. Bonus points if I can get stories or advice from someone who is more like me: a marginally-in-shape-usually-weekend-warrior-type with grand aspirations, a hodge-podge collection of gear, and little tolerance for wet weather….

Thru-hiking has always intrigued me; I love a good logistical puzzle, embrace solitude, and find gratification in challenging myself and testing my ‘grit’ once in a while. But then I think about how much I hate car camping in the rain, never mind slogging through the back country for the fifth straight hot and humid Appalachian monsoon day, and I settle right the F down.

So I live vicariously through the pictures and stories that Mikayla has shared, first about the AT hike she did in her early 20s, and more recently, her completion of the Pacific Crest Trail. That’s 4,843 miles of self-reliance, mental and physical challenges, epic views and social experimentation for those of you keeping score at home. And a lot of pooping in the woods.

I hope you enjoy this conversation with a real womxn doing some real adventuring - drop me a line at guidesgonewildpodcast@gmail.com and let me know what you think!

And finally, here’s some more good stuff Mikayla shared:

More info about Appalachian Trail thru-hiking

More info about Pacific Crest Trail thru-hiking

Fun post by Mikayla’s friend and frequent hiking partner Katelyn about some of their winter (mis)adventuring - there are always new lessons to be learned!

Join me in wishing Mikayla the best of luck on her next real adventure - a cross-continent road trip from New Hampshire to Alaska, where she’ll spend the next year helping to enhance food security in the Anchorage area with the AmeriCorps VISTA program!


Slow Down and Be Present


Make Some Use of Your Discomfort