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Guides Gone Wild Podcast
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Take Your Advocacy to New Heights
Cindy Hession, 48 Peaks for Alzheimer’s
I wasn’t really into doing things by myself back then…. But I pushed myself out of my comfort zone and I loved it.
If You Build It, They Will Bike (and Walk, and Ski...)
Marianne Borowski, Cross New Hampshire Adventure Trail
I tried to put together the things that I found useful. I like the map, I like to know that there’s a town coming up.. and that there’s ice cream in that town!
From Midlife Malaise to Machu Picchu (!!)
Bethany Cass
It doesn’t take much to be happy - you just have to know what it is that you want.
Less Existential Crisis, More Climate Crisis
Torey Lee Brooks
Don’t get the impression I’m a good nordic skier, I’m just good at long, arduous stubbornness!
Guide for Guides: Liability Insurance
Miriam Ball, Alternative Balance
Angela Ziogas, Cross Current Insurance
Whether you’re into field dressing or forest bathing, you need to protect your clients - and your business!
Forget Pedal to the Metal, Put Your Mettle to the Paddle
Karrie Thomas, Northern Forest Canoe Trail
It was really never intended to be a ‘thru-paddle’… the founders imagined a series of destinations that would allow people to discover the northeast over time.
Get in the (Long) Game
Anne Parmenter, Coach, Climbing Guide and Everest Mountaineer
Saying ‘yes’ to things that I know are going to make me really uncomfortable… I think it keeps you ticking.
Wander in Wonder
Lisa Holcomb, Wander the Whites
The guides are so diverse here, from going on an Appalachian Mountain Club tour to ice climbing, and all of the other guides in between. I like falling in between, at that moderate stage.
Get Trail-Ready with (Wo)Man’s Best Friend
Traci Bisson, Golden Dog Adventure Company
We’ll carry extra water, we’ll carry snacks, so you don’t need to. It’s really a no-brainer, and that’s what people need, because they’re so busy in their lives. They just want to go, have fun and not have to think about it.
Learn from a Local
The dollars that you pay at a local outfitter are directly going back to their family, their home, their schools, local shops… and that’s really important.
Say 'Yes', Google It, Then Get Ready to Impress Yourself
Alexandra Roberts, Alexandra Roberts Photography
I think that I have a very specific client, and that client is somebody who doesn’t care about napkin colors, for example. They basically just care about the moments that are happening, and not making their wedding feel like a television production.
It’s Always a Good Time to Take Some Action
Serena Ryan, Summits in Solidarity
How is my fear of not knowing what to say, or my guilt or my despair, and depression about these tough issues - how is that serving the BIPOC community? It's not, that's actually all about me.