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Guides Gone Wild Podcast

Fill your ears and minds with inspiring stories from these (extra)ordinary outdoor leaders.

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Biking, Maine Jennifer Clark Biking, Maine Jennifer Clark

Biking Through Loss and Building a Legacy

Sandy Noble

My main sport, for 31 years now, it’s been mountain biking. Even after after my husband’s death, within a few days, I was in the woods….anybody that’s been through anything, you know, exercise is just a great way to relieve a lot of stress and sadness.

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Maine Jennifer Clark Maine Jennifer Clark

Get Your Guide On(line)

Shay Bellas, Navitour

We really find a lot of information out about ourselves when we travel… we see that the world is not as scary as the media makes it out to be. And that we, all in all, have way more in common with each other than differences. It’s really good to see that and explore that.

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