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Guides Gone Wild Podcast
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Dive Into January Joy (and Start Swimming!)
Caitlin Hopkins, Ice Swimmer/Mermaid/Oyster Farmer
I think what is intriguing to me is, if I’m going to go somewhere, the thing that I love most is being near, on, in, water.
Wrestling Your 'Dream Life' Demons
Tarin O’Donnell, Tarin It Up Podcast and TKO Yoga & Fitness
It’s networking. Everything in life is networking. You meet people, and you’re just exposed to things you weren’t exposed to before. You find these opportunities you didn’t even know existed.
If You Build It, They Will Bike (and Walk, and Ski...)
Marianne Borowski, Cross New Hampshire Adventure Trail
I tried to put together the things that I found useful. I like the map, I like to know that there’s a town coming up.. and that there’s ice cream in that town!
Build a Community of Support OUTdoors
Rae-a Moughty, Campfire Institute
The suicide rate amongst Queer teens is ginormous… If these little moments, laying in the snow, looking at the stars, can help give them just a tiny bit of resilience, then I want to keep giving them camp. So I never turn anyone away.
Pause, Pivot, but Keep Pedaling Forward
Lindsay Currier, Bikepack Maine
Don’t give up - just have reasonable expectations. I don’t have expectations really for anything anymore in my life, and that’s just made my life a lot better.
Dip Down to Rise Up (Together)
Amy Hopkins, Saltwater Mountain Co.
The next day, I thought “Wow, that felt really good, I need to go back and do that again”. And so I did. And I didn’t stop.
Wander in Wonder
Lisa Holcomb, Wander the Whites
The guides are so diverse here, from going on an Appalachian Mountain Club tour to ice climbing, and all of the other guides in between. I like falling in between, at that moderate stage.