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Guides Gone Wild Podcast
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Dive Into January Joy (and Start Swimming!)
Caitlin Hopkins, Ice Swimmer/Mermaid/Oyster Farmer
I think what is intriguing to me is, if I’m going to go somewhere, the thing that I love most is being near, on, in, water.
Dip Down to Rise Up (Together)
Amy Hopkins, Saltwater Mountain Co.
The next day, I thought “Wow, that felt really good, I need to go back and do that again”. And so I did. And I didn’t stop.
From Side Hustle to Hot Business
I’m really inspired by that whole concept of bringing people together… I’m really fed by relationships and connecting people, and I don’t think I’m going to tire of always creating new ways to do that. The practice of sauna-ing and meeting new people in that context can help a lot of people.