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Guides Gone Wild Podcast
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There’s No Such Thing As Too Little Movement
Val Hopkins, 365 Mile Challenge
I have some banned words… I don’t let people say ‘just’, or ‘only’.
Less Existential Crisis, More Climate Crisis
Torey Lee Brooks
Don’t get the impression I’m a good nordic skier, I’m just good at long, arduous stubbornness!
Brave Your Way Out of That Box
Paige Emerson, Chubby Hiker Reviews
The thing that I’ve noticed is, hiking is my passion, it’s the thing that makes me feel better, and so I need to stop not doing that when I don’t feel good, because it makes me feel better… it makes things better even when life sucks.
Spend the Most Time Where the Representation Is
Saige Linsay, Wabanaki Public Health and Wellness
I, in particular, love the whitewater community, and I’m not saying that our community isn’t great - but we can always make it better, right??
Catch Some Air with A Flying Flock
A Flying Flock
I do it because I have four granddaughters, and I want them to know you can do anything.
It’s Always a Good Time to Take Some Action
Serena Ryan, Summits in Solidarity
How is my fear of not knowing what to say, or my guilt or my despair, and depression about these tough issues - how is that serving the BIPOC community? It's not, that's actually all about me.
Live a 'No Drop' Life
Cail Casserly, Brewer, Rider and Poet
If we’re out there enjoying a thing, I try to be conscious of, who am I not seeing? If this was hard for me, who’s it harder for? And I hope that that thought continues to foster other things, in terms of my activism, my work and my passions.
Becoming a DoryWoman
Nicolle Littrell, DoryWoman Rowing
It was this fantastic feeling of, like, this is my boat. And it was a feeling of freedom… this is what I’m looking for, that freedom.
Blaze Your Own Trail to Self-Love
Sydney Williams, Hiking My Feelings
I love this container that I’ve created. It’s catchy, it feels like a cool way to talk about mental health, without talking about mental health and scaring people.
Go All In (and Bring Your 'Sisters' Along)
Heather Kinal, Ride Cosmic Dirt & Rooted MTB Festival
The way I operate is when I’m excited about something, I’m very passionate, and I go all in and try to bring as many people with me as possible.
Be Kind To Your Mind
Tri State Hikers Executive Board
We all see the need for getting more people outdoors, especially the kids… That’s been our focus recently, to get more young people and kids outside, because at the end of the day, that’s our future, then are the future. And now is the time to nurture that love for nature.
Make (and Claim) Space for Yourself
Ava Baptiste, TriState Hikers
Sometimes when someone comes for a hike, they just want to get something off their chest, or they just want to be free to talk. I think it’s so much easier to talk to a stranger than people you know… and sometimes that’s what people need, just a listening ear.