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Guides Gone Wild Podcast
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Continuing (and Creating!) Legacy in Fly Fishing
Selene of Maine, Selene’s Fly Shop
End of college, I fly fished for the first time. And I was on the was on the water for two hours, and I forgot the rest of the world. And it was like my ‘aha, zen, wow’ epiphany.
Running the River from Passion to Purpose
Julie Sloan, Maine River Runners
We’re trying to do things ethically, and we’re trying to do things with the environment in mind. I’m not just trying to pump people down the water.
There’s No Such Thing As Too Little Movement
Val Hopkins, 365 Mile Challenge
I have some banned words… I don’t let people say ‘just’, or ‘only’.
Embrace Nature's Rhythm and Heed the Call
Tori Gray, The Wilderness Guru
I actually find a lot of peace in sitting in silence in the wilderness, because to me - it’s not sitting in silence.
Get Trail-Ready with (Wo)Man’s Best Friend
Traci Bisson, Golden Dog Adventure Company
We’ll carry extra water, we’ll carry snacks, so you don’t need to. It’s really a no-brainer, and that’s what people need, because they’re so busy in their lives. They just want to go, have fun and not have to think about it.